Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Riley's Mellow Yellow Quilt 2019

This is Riley's Mellow Yellow.  Riley is ten years old and is a drummer and plays a marimba.  That is a beautiful sounding instrument that plays like a xylophone but the keys are wooden with a beautiful resonance because of the pipes below the keys.  She is very talented.  She also enjoys performing in musicals in a local theater.  That's a lot of work and time invested by a young person.  It has been so much fun watching her grow in theater.  She is really becoming a very confident young woman.  Mellow Yellow is a 1960s song by Donovan that I thought would sound nice on her marimba.  I hopes she listens to the piece and learns it.  

This is a close up of the plates.  Both ends of each blade are pointed.  Different size blades make different size plates.  This was time consuming, but not difficult.

  The border looks like a garden fence to a sunflower garden.

I forgot to take a finished picture of the back of the quilt, but this is a piece of the fabric.

I meandered through the quilting adding leaves along the way.  Apparently, the details were difficult to photograph!

This is the finished quilt washed and ready to use.  Word has it that Riley loves her new quilt.  Blessings to my youngest grandchild.

I'm very proud of you, Riley!

Counting my blessings...7

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