Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Jonny's Lean Green Drumming Machine Quilt 2019

Jonny is a multifaceted young man.  Math is a part of his being.  He is involved with a robotics team in his local area and is very creative in this area.  But Jonny is also a drummer.  This was a surprise to me considering his father has next to no interest in music.  He is the only one of my sons that isn't interested.  But Jonny now drums on anything available.  He also is very creative in his personal expression of himself.  I love it!! Looking forward to what he will be!  Jonny's favorite color is green.  How could I not make him a green quilt.  I chose Storm at Sea as the pattern.  One problem, I really didn't know how to put the colors together.  I learned a lot.

It was a struggle, so thankful for a design wall!  It was work.  I had to take pictures of it as I was working to see if the pattern was working.  Sort of.

Another picture of Phoebe.  She looks so pretty with the green quilt!!  My frame has only two rails, but I'm not sure I would trade it for a third rail.  My quilts come out nice and squared.

I quilted this with meandering and sea creatures.  I mostly remember the fish swimming around in the waves.  

I smile every time I see this quilt.  Jonny was 13 when he received his quilt and is 14 now.
Jonny's quilt washed and ready for use. He was please that it was his favorite color.

I'm very proud of you, Jonny!!

Counting my Blessings...4

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