Friday, April 13, 2018

Quilt # 4 Completed!

So much has been going on.  I will be journaling soon all that has happened and has slowed my quilting down.  It has been so worth it.

Meanwhile, this is quilt #4:

This is a quilt from a long time ago; I would say back in the early 2000s.  My intention was to use my Handi Quilter table frame and Juki setup and learn how to quilt.  There are twelve blocks and my original intention was to do each one differently.  So...that is what happened finally this year, only I'm using Phoebe, my Q'nique 15R that I received just a couple of days before Christmas.  This is again practice using Phoebe; how to handle her to get the results I want.  I already know how to free motion quilt on my sewing machine.  I have found that this is absolutely my favorite part of quilting.  I think it is because I'm seeing the end results to my hard work.  I'm working on finding a machine finished binding technique that I'm satisfied with.

 I love working with Phoebe!  Such a sense of satisfaction.  I think she was the best purchase I've made when it comes to quilting.  I would hurt moving my quilts under the sewing machine.  I wasn't sure how I would do standing, but I find it so much easier than sitting and moving the quilt around.

Now, I have to show off my granddaughter's work:

 My 12 year old granddaughter crocheted these hats for her little friend, Linsey, about three weeks ago.  She is particularly good with her hands and very creative at the same time.  I remember doing this kind of stuff when I was young.  I'm so proud of her!!  She also has a sewing machine and I know that she sews for her dolls as well.  I'm not sure whether or not she made this outfit.  I think I need to find out!!

Enjoying my blessings!

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